It feels nice to be dressed in party perfect dress to an invitation. The hair and heels are in place and you are looking a hottie. But wait a minute. What about the sagging skin on your face and neck that you were ignoring all this while? This can be a major put off to your otherwise glam looks. It’s time to do something about it.
Reasons of Skin Sagging
There can be many reasons for sagging skin on the face and neck. It can be partly due to ageing, somewhat due to hereditary reasons and sometimes due to weight loss.
Turkey neck as it is called can affect anyone. But thankfully, nature has its ways to stop sagging skin. All we need to do is follow the precautions.
[Also Read: Say Goodbye to Saggy Skin Post Weight Loss]
Tips to Tighten Skin
1. Eating Healthy Food
Start eating antioxidant-rich foods if you want your skin to be firm no matter your age. They help chuck out free radicals and tighten skin collagen. Examples of antioxidant foods are grapes, olives, avocados, honey and even passion fruit. You can also include citrus fruits, watermelon, berries and pears. Salt, fried foods, sodas and alcohol should be a strict no-no. Brazil nuts are healthy as they have selenium mineral that boosts skin elasticity. There is also anthocyanin-rich pomegranate juice that gives skin adequate nourishment by strengthening the blood vessels.
2. Water, water, water
Though there are several myths and facts about drinking water, this one’s a sure fact. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily if you want to perk up your skin. Water has the ability to flush out the body toxins. At the same time, water is an excellent source of moisture that keeps your skin supple and rejuvenated.

3. Skin Firming Cream
A cream with skin firming formula goes a long way in restoring skin elasticity. The cream should ideally have keratin, seaweed and Vitamin E. This hydrates the skin cells in the neck area particularly and makes it tighter and firm with lesser chances of wrinkles showing up.

4. Facial Mask
Cucumber mask is the best mask to try out in order to make your face and neck region tight and supple. Mix 2 tbsp cucumber juice with 1 egg white. Squeeze in a few drops of lemon juice, and put few drops of vitamin E oil. Apply this mixture to your face and neck and let it rest for about 10-15 minutes. Now wash with warm water to get tighter and refreshed skin.

[Also Read: How to Pick the Right Facial for Your Skin Type?]
5. Facial Exercises
Face tightening is very important to get a slim and supple look reflecting from your face. Often due to our long desk jobs, we develop double chin. To avoid this tendency, tilt your head back but with your mouth closed and look up at the ceiling. Think as if you are chewing something and keep moving your chin about hundred times a day. If you want to reduce the extra hanging muscle around your neck region, see to it that your mouth is closed and suck in the air. Do a similar exercise with your cheeks by sucking them in and repeating the procedure about hundred times daily. The other option is to make the widest smile keeping your lips closed and use index finger to push into your cheeks. These exercises of cheeks and face will give your sagging face a new and welcome uplift.

6. Astringents
In order to tighten sagging skin in and around facial area, apply astringents topically. Astringents as you know tighten skin pores and reduce wrinkles. In order to do so, mix natural ingredients such as mixture of honey, lemon juice, rosemary and apply in circular motion on your face and neck. This helps in closing the pores and tightening the face leading to firm skin.

With a positive set of mind start pursuing these nature-picked home-made tips to tighten the skin on your face and neck. It will go a long way in setting things right.