Did you know that even in ancient times saffron was used extensively because of its medicinal properties? Egyptians, Romans and Greeks regularly used the healing properties of saffron in their daily lives. So whether they were adding it to their bath tubs or in their food, they knew that saffron was something which promoted good health and well-being.
Since the ancient times we learnt that saffron has many benefits and saffron tea was one of them. Saffron tea benefits are innumerable and in this article, we will tell you about the healing powers of saffron tea and how consuming this basic tea will help you get back your life in the healthy fast track.
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Benefits and healing properties of saffron tea
Michael Murray, N.D. author of “The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods”, explains in his book that saffron tea health benefits echo in your life for a long time to come. So, if you start in your early thirties, you will still benefit from drinking this amazing tea even when you are sixty!
Let’s start reading about the saffron tea health benefits. Here are a few of them:
1. It Can Help Promote a Healthy Eyesight
One of the foremost saffron tea benefits is that it can help slow down eye problems and sometimes even stall blindness. In an article published on the Inscience website, we found that saffron is considered the golden secret of clearer eyesight. The fatty acid content in saffron helps to protect the vision cells in the eyes. A daily cup of saffron tea will ensure that your eyes remain safe from the bright light. You don’t have to use too much saffron. Just a few strands while brewing the tea are enough.
2. It Can Relieve PMS
PMS or pre-menstrual syndrome can be a painful time for a woman. Cramps and crankiness are a part of PMS, but some of the saffron tea benefits state that it can relieve PMS. In a recent study published in one of the issues of “BJOG,” scientists were able to find out that just by taking 30 milligrams of saffron in a day, the premenstrual syndromes in women with regular menstrual cycles were reduced to a huge extent.
Women who were tested found that drinking saffron tea during the menstrual week can help ease their pains and also reduce cramps to a considerable level. The researchers thus concluded that saffron tea is very essential to alleviate the pains that a woman goes through during her period.
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3. It is Anti-Cancer
This is revolutionary for cancer because up till now, there have been no medicines developed for cancer. The rich, golden yellow colour that saffron imparts in the tea is because of the presence of a substance called crocin. Crocin is loaded with anti-oxidants and fights free radicals. The flavonoids which are present in crocin slow down the human cancer cells and can also shrink the tumor cells. Carotenoids, as we all know, are the natural pigments which impart saffron’s yellow hue. This protects the body from various diseases and stress.
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Did you see the many health benefits of saffron tea? Well, now you know! Saffron tea is very easy to make, but sometimes it is a little bitter. You can add some cinnamon to the brew to reduce the bitterness.