It doesn’t take the whole day for one to look like a diva, especially when you aren’t the lass who loves using makeup. Yes, there are some of us who for whatever reason wouldn’t want an ounce of makeup on the face, and that’s perfectly okay. But we all want to look like ravishing divas, don’t we? So here are 10 ways on how to look beautiful without makeup, which are pretty much the nomenclature of daily lives, we seem to ignore.
How To Look Attractive Without Makeup
More than just letting you know on how to look attractive without makeup, we would want you to focus on your internal and external health too. Here goes the 10 ways on how to look beautiful without makeup.
Sunscreen Is Your Bestie
Never neglect the power of sunscreen, especially if you have sensitive and soft skin. The harmful UV rays of the sun can do a lot of damage to the skin, which you may not see now but would at a later stage in life. You don’t want to lose the fresh touch to your skin, now do you? This is why it is important to use sunscreen with SPF 15 and above twice a day or before you head out each time.
Hot Lime Water
One of the best ways on how to look attractive without makeup would be to keep your internals clean, which allows the skin to glow outside. What you need is a cup of warm water into which you shall squeeze a whole lime or citrus fruit. Drink this on an empty stomach twice a day, and allow the goodness of the concoction to flush away all toxins. The drink is known to flush impurities as well, brings into the body plenty of vitamins and protects the skin from damages too.
Skin Scrub Regime
If you have been following our posts on skin care, you would have read a lot about skin scrubs for healthy skin. Skin scrubs help exfoliate the skin and keep it clean from dead skin cells. In addition to that, a skin scrub made at home can also bring back the sheen and shine on the skin too. You could have a teaspoon of baking soda mixed with a little water and applied as a face pack once a day on the skin, before your shower. Wash the face off in ten minutes, using gentle circular motions. This would remove the dead skin cells and your face would glow too.
[Also Read: How to Look Naturally Beautiful without Makeup]
Shape Up Those Brows
Those brows need help, they need to be shaped and once done, your face gets a new definition and panache too. Add a little more statement effect to the brows by applying a little coconut oil or olive oil on it and massaging the brows for a shine to come by. Do this oil therapy for your brow thrice a week for ten minutes per sitting. Wash off with warm water thereafter.
Massage Those Lips
Cracked, chapped and dry lips aren’t the norm for a diva, which is why we would want to show you how to pay more attention to the naturalness of the lips- color, shape and look. Use petroleum jelly or coconut oil to moisturize and soften those lips each day, all through the year. When the lips are kept well fed and nourished, they would make a statement mark on your face. One of the easiest ways on How to Look Good Without Makeup, wasn’t it?
Hair Care Regime
Your hair speaks volumes about you as an individual, your health and your overall personality too. Scroll back to our archives and learn the art of co-washing or reverse shampooing the hair, and the tresses would be taken good care off over time. Daily oiling is a must to maintain the oil balance of the hair, and should you not have the time to wash your hair, refer to our post on how to manage unwashed hair!
The Right Hair Cut
Don’t just cut your hair in waves or locks or layers, just because your favorite celeb has done the same. The hairstyle you choose should suit your face structure and the jaw line especially. Speak to your parlor lady and if possible, check on one of the hair apps which style would really suit your face the best. Not all haircuts are for every face, so be careful!
[Also Read: What Woman MUST Know Before Getting a Haircut]
Sleep Well
Proper rest and sleep is important for the body, or else it would show up on your face. Dark circles, sunken eyes and lack of energy the next morning would make you look and feel tired, so to look pretty and nice, eight hours of sleep is a must. This is one of the best tips to look beautiful without makeup, which we advise.
Body Massage
Blood circulation is a must on high levels, which allows the oxygen to travel from one part of the body to another. This is why getting a spa or a massage for the body done, twice a month is important. When blood reaches every part of the body and the cells are fed well, your skin would glow sans the use of makeup!
Healthy Eating
Having balanced and healthy eating habits is an integral aspect on how to look beautiful without makeup. Consuming junk food, oily food, unhealthy food, etc., can make your skin dull and awful. So if you want to look naturally beautiful, you need to change your eating habits and indulge in only healthy eating habits.
Drink, Drink, Drink
No, we are not talking about drinking your favorite beer or wine! We are talking about plain and simple water. The importance of drinking enough water in a day has been emphasized a lot. This is because it will not only keep your skin hydrated but will also flush out toxins that cause pimples and breakouts. Now you know how to look naturally beautiful.
Keep Your Hands Away
One of the easiest ways on how to look good without makeup is to simply keep your hands away from your face. Unnecessarily touching your face with your hands can cause damage to your skin. Rubbing your eyes, resting your face on your hand, pulling pimples, etc., can all harm your skin.
Try to look naturally beautiful with tips like regular washing of face using a goof face wash, proper toning of face, avoiding makeup products that contain harsh chemicals, etc. Always aim for a natural makeup look which can be easily achieved with the help of BB creams. Follow these natural beauty tips for face and natural makeup tips to look beautiful without makeup.
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