Hair loss is a big concern these days. And reversing hair loss is a bigger plight. Who is to blame for this new age fashion loss? Our dietary habits, lack of physical activity, our taste and preferences for junk food, improper functioning of liver, pancreas and digestive system all put together contribute to hair fall.
Go back to nature, dear friend. Start drinking vegetable and fruit juices. Its regular consumption is one thing which would help prevent hair loss. Silica mineral is most important when it comes to strengthening hair follicles, since it provides essential nutrients to the scalp. Most important thing about silica is that it treats the hormonal imbalances which are a major cause of hair fall in women. All this boils down to one thing – eat more vegetables if you want to prevent hair fall from bothering your hairline and looks.
Cucumber (Kheera) Juice
No feast is complete without cucumber salad, as that brings in different type of freshness and taste to the meals. But when it comes to tackling hair fall, cucumber juice proves its worth too.
Ingredients – 2 Cucumbers, 2 Apples, 1 Cup Mint Leaves
Procedure – Relish this delicious juice while soaking up on its goodness. Cucumber juice keeps the body hydrated and potassium present in cucumber helps in lowering high blood pressure. The juice is also rich in antioxidants like beta-carotene and vitamins A and C. It helps in reducing cholesterol and relieves joint pain, gout and arthritis. And yes, how can one forget the silica in the cucumber that improves the hair texture and promotes hair growth.
Leafy Green Vegetables
Spinach, collards, Swiss chard all have Vitamins A and C that help in sebum production in your body. Sebum is produced by hair follicles and is a natural hair conditioner. Also, the vegetables have high amount of iron and calcium that help in hair growth. So the next time, don’t stop eating leafy greens to push the health status of your hair.
Red Bell Peppers
It would be interesting to know that one red bell pepper has more Vitamin C than one cup of orange juice. Therefore, eat the red bell pepper in raw form as cooking it would destroy its essential nutrients. What’s more, red bell pepper has powerful antioxidant Vitamin C that increases blood circulation to the scalp, in the process promotes hair growth.
Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits have ‘inositol’. It’s a sugar type related to glucose that not only reduces cholesterol, it also helps break down body fats. And yes, those of you wanting to know on the hair fall part, citrus fruits stop hair thinning and do their bit in preventing hair loss.
[Also Read: Fruits for Healthy and Glowing Skin]
Carrot Juice
Improve the quality and texture of your hair by drinking carrot juice. It’s healthy for hair, eyes and nutrition too.
Ingredients – 2 Carrots, 2 Cucumbers, 1 Tomato
Procedure – Once again it is the silica in the cucumber that contributes to improving blood circulation in the scalp, boosting hair growth, stopping hair fall and preventing brittleness and split ends.
Cherry Juice
Cherry juice happens to have loads of iron which makes sure there is no anemia happening (anemia usually leads to hair loss over a period of time). Make sure your diet has enough quantities of iron to prevent anemia.
Any type of berry whether it is blueberries, raspberries or cranberries are good for the scalp. Since they have antioxidants, they boost hair growth by increasing blood circulation to the scalp.
Now that you know the role of vegetable and fruit juices (when taken either in raw or liquid form), make sure to incorporate it in your daily diet if you want to flaunt your hair locks. Good health shows up after all, doesn’t it?