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Tips And Advice to Add Oomph to Your Next Selfie

by Fashionlady
red carpet selfies

Tips And Advice for selfie Ellen De Generes at the Academy Awards last year bombed the scene with her group selfies of winners, Taylor Swift followed suit, and now the social media accounts the world over has seen the flooding of selfies and gelfies (group selfies).

Tips on taking glamorous red carpet replica selfies

So you’ve dressed right, the hair and make up in place, chic couture, all bling and glamorous you- the world needs to see it all, and here you are with your smartphone, posing for them all sans the need of an ace photographer. Selfies are the trend- the more the merrier in a group they say, and that’s how gelfies were born too. If you have to take solo pics of you, learn then how to take a selfie on your own!

Red Carpet Selfies

Source: akamaihd.net

But first…… Have you groomed well – but obvious for the LIKES and SHARES to happen, even if you want to show an out-of-bed look! Grooming is the key and you have to get the hair, the makeup, the clothes, shoes, accessories, the little things that make it all- look good. Ask yourself, unless of course you are madly in love with the bloke next door, would you LIKE his selfies on social media if he had drool and booger all over?

Advice for Selfies

Source: glamourmama.com.au

Which angle and lighting situation would be the best?

Honestly, it would be on the time of the day, because the best selfies are always those taken in natural light. [sc:mediad]

  • If you do have to pout and pose for the world to see, get your arms extended out and go really high with the length.
  • Have an angle quite high, which makes the face look slim and nice, and the eyes big and bright.
  • Low angles flatter none of the facial features. You may tilt the camera upwards a bit or a little towards yourself for an illusion of diva like stance.
  • Click horizontally and in a landscape view as much as possible and maintain a sexy pose before the camera goes CLICK.

[Also Read: 25 Fun, Sweet, Cute and Mad Bollywood Selfies]

Bollywood Selfies

Source: jagran.com

What Kim Kardashian didn’t explain in her ‘how to take the right selfie’ video!

While twitter and T-mobile went all gaga over Kim’s tutorials on taking red carpet style selfies the right way, there was one important thing the shine-and-shimmer Hollywood celeb didn’t speak of- DITCHING THE MIRRORS. We don’t want you to pose as though you’ve been really slogging it out for a selfie. It has to be casual and sexy, as though an invisible hand played with the camera and your awesomeness was clicked.

  • Mirrors make you conscious
  • They make images appear reverse
  • You look bulkier
  • Brings out the weird glare
  • Distorted selfies sans the symmetrical outcome you want
  • Do you really want the world to see what your camera, smartphone or your washroom looks like
selfie tips for woman

Source: photodoto.com

[Also Read: Top 6 Selfie Makeup Tips]

The apps, filters and finally the pose

You want to look like a diva, don’t you? The million LIKES and SHARES would only happen when the photo is processed well, and most expert selfies-takers would suggest using VSCOcam- an app easily available to download on GooglePlayStore. When it comes to posing for a selfies, click away and you’d get the right shot too. Trial and error works wonders here, practice makes you better and that’s how you would learn to strike a pose or maybe not!


Source: lindatol.com

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