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Do’s And Don’ts Post Bikini Wax

by Fashionlady
top Post Bikini Wax tips

Post Bikini Wax Care
Everyone prefers the ‘clean’ feeling they get after a Bikini wax. But the thought of removal of all hair in the bikini area, itself sounds painful. Often, the first bikini wax is the most painful, but with regular waxing, it gets less. In order to feel gorgeous inside out, you have to go through this harsh experience of yanking hair from the most sensitive area. This hair removal treatment of peeling wax and hair together, allows you to go for weeks without waxing.

Here’s why you should go for bikini wax:

  1. It is fast, effective and maintenance can be done monthly.
  2. For the awesome feeling you get, it is well worth the cost.
  3. Going for bikini wax on regular basis, discourages re-growth of hair and they become softer and less dense.
  4. Bold and sexy swimsuits requires hair-free bikini line.
Bikini Wax Tips

Source: gstatic.com

To help maximize amazing results, practice a few do’s and don’ts post bikini wax.


  • Wash your skin daily with intimate wash to keep follicles clean and free of bacteria.
  • Moisturize your skin around the bikini line daily, post waxing.
  • After waxing, wear skin-friendly or no underwear at night to allow your skin to breathe.
  • If your skin is sensitive, apply ice to reduce redness or irritation after the bikini wax.

Yes to Loose Clothing

Watch out for tight and synthetic clothing as they can irritate the skin and prevent it from healing after the painful pulling of hair. To let your skin breathe, wear loose and oversized clothes made of cotton. Say no to your skinny jeans for few days and celebrate your fashion sense by creatively styling loose and breezy clothing like harem pants.

Below are some frequently asked questions on Bikini Wax.

How to soothe skin after Bikini Wax?

There are many products that can help to soothe skin and prevent regrowth of hair. Make sure they are oil free and non-comedogenic. Also, avoid using harsh soaps and use intimate wash or mild cleanser like Cetaphil Gentle Skin cleanser. To soothe the skin, treat redness and soreness, you can apply aloe vera gel or use tea tree or lavender oil after shower. This will also help providing anti bacterial shield to the sensitive skin.

How to soothe skin after Bikini Wax

Source: alloverbeautyhindley.co.uk

Should you Exfoliate after a Bikini Wax?

Exfoliate your skin at least once a week after the bikini wax with body scrub. It can help to prevent ingrown hairs, get rid of dead skin cells and keep your skin smooth and soft. However, avoid exfoliating your skin until 3-5 days after the wax and the use natural loofas for exfoliation.

How Often can you Bikini Wax?

As already said, regular waxing leads to soft and less dense hair growth and eventually need to wax less frequently. So be particular about regular waxing appointments for problem free and smooth skin.

How Often to Bikini Wax

Source: gstatic.com


  • Avoid applying any deodorants or perfumes after the wax.
  • Avoid swimming in chlorinated pools for at least 24 hours after your waxing procedure. Also, avoid beach water and other water activities.
  • Avoid getting waxed immediately after your period as your skin is more sensitive.

Avoid shaving using Razor

Refrain from shaving any small hair using razor and wait for the next waxing session, till your hair is about quarter inch. Also, shaving the hair by razor can distort the hair growth cycle and make it more difficult and painful to wax off.


Bikini Waxing Dos and Donts

Source: shopify.com

Some important pointers for you to keep in mind:

[Also read: Everything you need to know about a Bikini Wax]

Can you work out after a Bikini Wax?

After getting waxed, wait for at least a day before hitting the gym. Sweat caused by workout can eventually lead to irritation, itchiness and even an infection, since the pores are open.

How to treat your skin after waxing

Source: gstatic.com

Should you stay away from Hot Water baths after Bikini Wax?

After waxing, the pores are open and the skin is prone to bacterial infections. Avoid hot tub bath, hot water showers, saunas and steams for at least 24 to 48 hours post bikini wax as they can further irritate the sensitive skin and cause you discomfort. Instead, opt for cool shower.

Bikini Waxing Safety

Source: glamour.com

Hope you find this article on the do’s and don’ts of Bikini wax helpful. Do share your suggestions and experiences with us.

[Also Read: How To Get Rid of Razor Bumps]

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