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The Red Wine Facial – Did You Miss Out On Reading About This One?

by Fashionlady
Surprising Beauty Benefit of Red Wine For Skin

Uses Of Red Wine For Skin
Here’s Why The World Is Going Gaga Over The Red Sparkling Facial!“

The latest antiaging weapon is not an injection or a wonder cream, and it doesn’t involve any nipping or tucking either.

It’s a glass of red wine a day for women and two for men, according to Richard A. Baxter, MD, a plastic surgeon in Seattle and the author of Age Gets Better with Wine. Baxter gave a talk on wine and beauty at the annual meeting of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery in Washington, D.C.”

Red wine facials help restore the skin’s vibrancy

It is a proven fact that red wine contains antioxidants, which help fight the onslaught of free radicals. Free radicals when left unchecked can damage the skin cells, and ageing is accentuated along with the threat to the skin with cancer and tumour cells thriving. With plenty of resrveratrol and polyphenols in red wine, the chemical and medicinal properties help relieve the skin from stress and tension too.

Did you know, the Mediterranean diet emphasizes on having a glass of red wine at meals?

Red wine facials

Source: natural-homeremedies-for-life.com

[Also Read: Wine for Health]

Red wine facials- why are they so popular?

Beauty spas and cosmetologists the world over suggest red wine facials, but why?

1.  Red wine facials are the reason why our skin looks and feels younger

2.  The rich antioxidants are much more powerful than the vitamins found in fruit wines.

3.  There is a double amount of vitamin E in red wines than fruit wines

4.  The skin is kept moistened and health with red wine facials

5.  Vitamin C content is higher in red wine than other fruit wines

[Also Read: How to Pick the Right Facial for Your Skin Type]

6.  Helps fight wrinkles and pigmentation

7.  Helps promote the metabolism of skin

8.  Contains collagen fibres

9.  Removes enzymes and detoxifies the skin

13.  Removes dead skin cells

14.  Red wine is a good toner

15.  Red wine makes the skin glow

16.  Red wine can be used as an exfoliant with oatmeal

17.  Red wine when mixed with sugar can be a good scrub

18.  A massage with red wine improves blood circulation too.


Red Wine Face Mask

Source: amaxlaser.co.nz

DIY Red wine facial at home

Now that you know all about the benefits of red wine facials, here is a simple DIY red wine facial to enjoy!

[Also Read: Vaginal Facial – Everything You Need to Know]


  • 1/2 cup of red wine
  • 1 cup of sour curd
  • 2 drops of honey


  • Mix the curd, wine and the honey, and form a concoction.
  • Apply the paste all over the face, the neck and the forehead
  • Keep it for half an hour and gently exfoliate thereafter, using the cold water
  • The last rinse should be with a cup of red wine (massage it deep into the skin)
  • Wash off with cold water and pat dry
  • Do this thrice a week and watch how your skin thanks you in a month’s time
Red Wine Face Mask recipes

Source: shinebeautifully.me

Have you washed your face with red wine today?

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