It’s #MeToo, and all women across the globe are uniting in one voice to show the true horrid colors of our society. The ‘#MeToo’ as we all know is raging across Social Media platforms bringing to the world’s notice the harsh truth that nearly every woman from every class of life has been a victim of sexual assault.
Only when this post began making rounds on Social media, we realized how women subdued the atrocities and how easily it has been normalized in the society till date.
While some boldly tagged themselves to this rally, finally speaking their heart, mind and soul, some stepped back as it was triggering painful incidents that haunted them their whole life. And we understand!
Be it at school, at home, at college or even at work space, and even while commuting, we women deal with such unfortunate incidents. Age, sex, beauty have never been hurdles in the path of the predators. And we, no matter what roles we played in our lives i.e. daughter, wife or mother, chose to silently absorb the humiliation.
Despite us women being victims, we have often blamed ourselves for becoming the prey. And sadly instead of retaliating, we adopted ways to accommodate this abhorrence by moving in groups, and steering our loved ones away from certain men. However rattled we were, we thought our dignity lies in staying buttoned up.
It’s time to break your silence and join the passive rally to create a constructive impact on the society for our betterment..
It’s a wakeup call and we support all those women who finally found their voice against injustice and all those who silently support this empowerment.
So ladies, let us stand together, not as a nation, not as state or as a religion, but as women, and speak against the inhumanity!
Finally #MeToo!
Images Source: Instagram