Announcing the Arrival of a Global Jewellery Brand Sangeeta Boochra | Silver Centtre Jaipur 1897 — oldest silver jewellery brand ( 130 years ) in your beautiful city Bengaluru. Sangeeta Boochra | Silver Centrre is a Leading and popular brand amongst the Celebrities , Influencers , Stylists and the fashion addicts. It is argubaly the most well known and recognised , respected jewellery brand from Jaipur , India.
The brand manufactures and retails Traditional , Tribal , Contemporary jewellery studded with Precious and Semi precious gemstones , made in pure sterling silver 925. The brand has 3 factories in Jaipur and design studios.
About The Brand:
Silver Centrre the manufacturing arm was established in the year 1897 Jaipur by the powerful Seth Kistoor Chand Boochra , formerly known as the Silver King Of India. He founded the Bullion Association Limited in 1926 the only place to trade Silver Bars. He opened the prices of Silver for 40 years till his death.
Seth Lalit Kumar Boochra joined his father and converted this Silver Bar trading company into silver jewellery manufacturing company , under his vision the group expanded far and wide. He built excellent relationship with master craftsmen and artisans of jewellery. He started with Corporate social responsibility programme — the company donates a certain amount of their revenue to the weaker section of the society , artisans , craftsmen , education , medical treatment etc. During his time he started the programme where all the kaarigars / artisans from these society were taken with brand to all its shows / exhibitions and were made the front face of the brand. Our artisans / kaarigars have full acess to meet and greet the clients weather its a royal family member or a celebrity there is no discrimination at any level.
About The Designer:
Sangeeta Boochra the designer and also a brand owned by Silver Centrre Jaipur got married into the jewellers family in 1985 — born and brought up in a small village in rajasthan known as sujangadh — her education was all in Hindi and only after she got married she learnt english when she came to the city. She has done B.A eco ( hons ) — she always wanted to be a clothing designer but her father in law seth lalit kumar boochra insisted that she joint the powerful family business. Her husband runs the leading gemstone business of the country which deals mainly in emerald , ruby , sapphire and diamonds.
After the persual of her father in law she started designing jewellery and joined the business in 1994 — rest is all history. She creates more then 10,000 styles every month. Brands client list includes the Royal Families of the world , Bollywood and Hollywood celebrities , Bureaucrats , Politicians , Industrialists etc.
The brand has 40 stores across the world with 4 new stores in pipeline which shall be opened soon early this year.
The brand has the advantage of first mover as most of the artisans are treated as family as taught by Seth Lalit Kumar Boochra , therefore they first come to us to sell their products before going to anyone else. We get people from the interiors of Assam , Bihar , Madhya Pradesh , Gujrat , Rajasthan , Kashmir , Tamil Nadu , Karnataka , Afganistan , Uzbekistan etc.
Sangeeta Boochra travelled extensively into the interiors of India , met the master craftsmen , artisans and convinced them to work for the brand and upliftment of art , culture and kaarigari of rural India. They worked with an aim to bring the Indian jewellery on the world map , therefore as a result wherever they exhibited around the globe they always travelled with their craftsmen and made them the front face.
How Is Silver Centtre Different As A Brand:
Seth Lalit Kumar Boochra and Sangeeta Boochra jointly started a programme in 1998 known as a Community development Programme under which :
- Unskilled Rural Poor are made jewellery artisans through community mobilization and skill training.
- Training and livelihood at their doorstep , fair wages , no exploitation , no child labour , no pollution , no harm to the society.
- Social Development Support : Artisans and their communities are facilitated for better health , life skill education , sanitation and other social imperatives.
- Connecting artisans to the world markets , by taking them to all shows and exporting their products to different countries of the world.
- Also promoting make in india and rural Indian craftsmanship , heritage of india , and trying to bring the Indian jewellery on the world map.
- We partner with Government , Civil Societies , NGOs etc.
- Silver Centrre employs men and women who live in the most remote parts of India with little to no access to transport. The greatest challenge in these artisans lives is commuting to work and back, often resulting in families that live far apart. One of the key differentiators of the Silver Centrre model is an artisans ability to not only work from home but have business travel to them.
- Through a grassroots network that requires specialised logistical support, raw material is dropped off at an artisans home where they work on the product. To ensure customers receive high quality products, quality supervisors inspect the production to help ensure a consistent output while tracking progress. These supervisors also ensure artisan service to ensure they are not interrupted by the shortage of raw bullion. When completed, the product is picked up at the Artisans doorstep and sent on to the next stage of jewellery making progress.
- These networks stretch across 400 villages in India through an intense grassroots network to connect 25,000 artisans.
- Silver Centrres artisans thus have the ability to work from home.
- More women can work towards financial independence as they dont have to navigate commute, especially in remote villages.
- Artisans decide their own work hours- being able to work around their familys schedules.
- Artisans will lose no work days in receiving and transporting material.
- Traditional Indian communities do not give women the opportunity to work outside the home- Silver Centrres model provides an easy solution to this.
Find Them Here
Bengaluru Flagship Store:
Silver Centrre | Sangeeta Boochra
13 Kamaraj Road
Opp Mysore Silk Udyog
Off Commercial Street
Bengaluru – 560001
Mobile : 966-00000-37
Website :
Jaipur Flagship Store:
Silver Centrre
234 Johari bazar
Jaipur 302003
0141-2571414 / 4005521