Unwind your summer woes with chilled coffee, some munchies and friends to walk with. Or add new styling tips to your curly hair and go rocking with the heat.
Curly hair is nothing less than a crowning glory. With warm and sweaty weather hitting in your face wouldn’t you want to bring in an air of freshness through bouncy curly hair?
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Here we go learning how to make curly hair the best thing to have happened this summer.
Flowy Curls
Curly hair needs no handling or manipulation. It is quick and easy to maintain. Never mind if the casual wind breeze ruffles your hair, but that’s the beauty of having curly locks. No wonder it’s the simplest hair style that doesn’t put you on a defensive.

Source: pinimg.com
Shorter Crop
A curly bob can be made lovely if it has been made shorter. A head full of curls and shorter ones gives you the look of a smart rocking babe. This style goes well with capris and mid skirts as much as denims.

Source: bandoweb.com
Loose Braids
Get a new twist to your curls by wearing a braid in loose style. Put on a hair clip or headband, whichever and go rock your curly braid in summer camps and adventures.
[Also Read: Short Curly Hairstyles for Women]

Source: trendwomanhairstyles.com
Bun Adventure
If you have free flowing and bouncy curls, you might feel hot and sweaty at times, especially if your curls are long. The alternative is to go for a high messy bun. It gives you a heavenly feeling when the air currents hit your neck. At the same time, it looks relaxed when pulled back.

Source: allw.mn
Faux Hawk
Hairstyles are not just meant to look beautiful. They are very much there to make a statement as well. When you are in the mood to look stylish and bold, go wear a faux hawk. It’s super sexy, bindaas and promises loads of fun. Top it off with colour streaks or a hair accessory and you are bound to look a red carpet celeb!

Source: latest-hairstyles.com
This kind of curly hairstyle can lead you to sporting gorgeous looking rockable hair. They smack of polished hair with the right amount of volume and curls. Sport the waves and chignons to get vintage hair make you look like a vintage superstar.
[Also Read: How To Treat Curly Hair]

Source: pinimg.com
Hair Care Tips to Curly Hair
Sun Protection
Maintaining curly hair can be a tall task during summers. That’s because there is less moisture in them and overexposure to the sun rays adding upto dehydration. Make sure to stay away from hot sunlight.

Source: googleusercontent.com
Avoid excess shampooing
When you shampoo your curly hair too much, it is likely to rob your hair of the essential nutrients, thereby making it dry and frizzy. To fight out summer sweat, you can rinse your hair with water and/or mild conditioner without shampooing every day.
Hydrating hair
Curly hair has lots of protein but is low in moisture. This makes it crave for extra moisture. Since they are prone to getting moisture from the hot and humid hair, they are likely to look puffy and unmanageable. So during summers, it is best to keep curly hair well hydrated by using a deep moisturizing mask every week.
Putting a coarse towel on your curly hair is liable to make it feel rough like a sand paper and uncomfortable to manage. Therefore, try and use soft towels on your curly wonders.
Satin pillowcase
[Also Read: How To Treat Curly Hair]
A cotton pillowcase is not made for the girls with curly hair as it takes in the moisture part from the hair. Hence it is advisable for curly haired girls to sleep using a silk or satin pillowcase in summers to keep the hair locks hydrated and free from tangle.

Source: blogspot.com
Abstain from using hot styling tools
Try and avoid using hair dryers or strengtheners when it comes to tackling curly hair. On the other hand, let your hair dry out naturally. This will help in keeping your scalp cool.
Styling curls
This can be a tricky affair, as it means slathering styling gel lavishly. In order to do it well, rub sufficient amount of styling cream or gel on your palms and apply it evenly all over your hair.
Now that we are in the thick of summer, start styling your curly hair for camera ready look and feel.
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