Home » Fashion » Tattoos » Permanent Tattoo vs. Temporary Tattoo

Permanent Tattoo vs. Temporary Tattoo

by Fashionlady
Temporary tattoos

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The tattoo taboo is still on at Fashionlady. While some people prefer to ink their body permanently, others think having a same tattoo on body for the rest of the life is never a wise decision so they rather go for temporary tattoo.

With so much of brouhaha, in this edition, we are going to evoke a debate between the permanent and temporary tattoo.

So let’s focus on what is tattoo

As per Wikipedia – A tattoo is a form of body modification, made by inserting indelible ink into the dermis layer of the skin to change the pigment.

In technical terms, tattooing is micro-pigment implantation. (Pigment is a kind of substance which absorbs some color of the light and reflects a particular color) Well, I won’t go in detail as we all have studied about it in our school days.

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Permanent tattoo vs. temporary tattoo

best Tattoo artist for womens

Source: pinterest.com

In general, there are two methods of tattooing available;

Permanent – This type of tattoo will fade a little with aging but it can’t be removed completely unless you cut your skin deep enough to remove those pigments. However, laser treatments are available these days to remove them.

The expense and pain associated with removal of permanent tattoos are typically costlier and intense than the expense and pain associated with applying them.

Pre-laser tattoo removal methods include salabrasion (scrubbing the skin with salt), dermabrasion, excision and cryosurgery – which are still used along-with skin grafts for larger tattoos.

laser tattoo removal

Source: pinterest.com

These older methods, however, have now been more or less replaced by laser removal treatment options. Although the ink gets removed, it leaves behind a scar of the design, which can make the body part look ugly.

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So, it’s always better to think twice or thrice before going for any permanent tattoo.


Temporary – As per Wikipedia

Originally inserted as a surprise token in bubble gums, they were enabled with a poor quality ink transfer that would easily get removed with water or rubbing.

temporary tattoo freehand outline

Source: pinterest.com

Today’s temporary designs from vegetable dye temporaries look extremely realistic and adhere up to 3 weeks because of a layer of glue similar to that found on an adhesive bandage.

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Although this edition is not elaborate on which one is better – permanent or temporary tattoo, you can still have your analysis till we come up with another edition on the same.

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