Fashion is just like art. You need to have the right combination and the right ammo to make the master piece. You can surely take cues from all your favorite stars and celebs, but to look that good, you will have to invest in some really good apparels.
[Also Read: Mistakes That Are Making us Look Fat]
How do you set the bar when everyone is styling the same way? Well, first things first, you stop being boring and plain! Here are some styling mistakes you may end up making and how to avoid them.
When you go OTT
Makeup is essential, but that does not mean you will use everything on your palette. Just like fashion, makeup too is like an art and too much of everything is just going to spoil the broth. One best makeup trick that can come handy for any woman is to learn the tips and tricks of natural makeup. Keep it minimal and simple and it would work out perfectly. Too much makeup when going out to run errands will make you look plastic and funny. Stick to the basics and you won’t go wrong.

Showing off too much skin
Yes, we agree, you have the assets and you want to flaunt them. But sometimes, this is a trick that won’t work the best possible way. Too much cleavage or too much of a skin show is not sexy, but instead looks plain obscene. A lot of women fall prey to this cardinal sin all the time. Too much skin show is attention seeking and is a kill joy as well. Keep it simple, and you won’t go wrong.

You just stick to one type of dresses
We know you love your skater dresses, but sometimes a little variation is good. When it comes to dresses, a lot of different hemlines are in vogue. There are midis, maxis and asymmetrical hemlines as well! Bring them in your wardrobe and mix and match with different accessories to have even more fun.

Ignoring those ready muffin tops
Muffin tops are hard to get rid of, but sometimes, it is best to camouflage them than to play pals with them. So if you are willing to look good but your muffin tops are playing obstacles, better stick to tops and T-shirts which will kind of hide them. After all, no one likes to be bombarded with some fleshy overload now! Alternatively, here are some effective exercises to gid rid of muffin tops.

Old Clothes are not vintage!
Yes, we agree that vintage is very hip and happening now, but what most people do not realize is the fact that vintage does not always mean old clothes. There are a few vintage things that are still in vogue including prints and sunglasses, but besides that you should probably get a reality check. Those baggy skirts have given way to newer and better versions and you probably don’t want to look like you got stuck in the sixties now, do you?
[Also Read: Fashion Tips For Fat Women]

Not trying on things before buying them!
This is the worst fashion mistake made by women, these days. We agree that those online sales are too tempting to be true, but then again, not trying on clothes before buying them can be an absolute nightmare!

So next time you decide to commit any fashion faux pas, please make sure you don’t end up committing at least these!