Lipstick-one of the most ubiquitous and commonly used makeup items of all times, this accessory is also one of the most loved! Many of you fashionistas may not quite think that lipstick has its benefits. But actually, research over time has shown that there are actually many benefits of wearing lipstick!
[Also Read: Is Permanent Lipstick The Next Big Thing?]

Here Are The Benefits Of Lipstick
We decided to pick up some of the best benefits of lipstick for you, so that the next time you are on two minds on whether to buy one or not, remember, the tiny little cylinder actually has tons of benefits!
1. You Are Confident
A pop of colour, a dash of glam and a glitter of beautiful colours actually makes you a lot confident! So when you swipe on your war colour, you instantly feel a lot more confident and suave! It’s a surest way to boost your confidence. So just pick up your favourite colour and keep going.

2. It’s A Sunscreen Too!
Did you know that even your lips need protection from the sun? It was in the early 20th century that scientists found out that even lips get tanned and chapped because of the sun. Since then, chemists and makeup brands have been constantly trying to infuse sunscreen elements in lipsticks. And thanks to the hundreds of innovations, today’s lipsticks do have a fair amount of sunscreen to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun.
[Also Read: Matte Liquid Lipstick]

3. It Moisturizes Your Lips And Makes Them Look Supple
The mark of a beautiful woman is her beautiful pout and one of the benefits of wearing lipstick in your favourite colour is that it can actually enhance your pout. You can have the most gorgeous pair of lips if you take a little bit of care. Since lipsticks are infused with moisturizers, you can be rest assured that generously using your favourite colour will actually make your lips much softer and also a lot suppler. One word of caution however, besides the benefits of lipstick, there are also some ingredients which may not be that good for your lips. In fact, a study conducted over all the prevalent lipstick brands showed that the biggest names in the industry-Revlon, NARS and even Estee Lauder had high concentration of lead. Keep your eyes open and always do your research before you invest in expensive lipsticks. Avon, MAC and The Body Shop have been said to have the purest and the best of lipsticks.
[Also Read: Berry Lipstick]
This is how using the right lipstick can make your lips look fuller

Pick up the right shade and get going!
[Also Read: Lipstick Brands Used By Celebrities]

You Look More Professional
One of the perks of wearing lipstick to your next interview is that the interviewer will automatically perceive you as a strong, independent woman, a woman who is proud of her confidence, come what may. As soon as we swipe on our war paint, we get a jolt of confidence. Yes, lipstick really has that effect on you. In fact, there was even a study conducted to see how makeup, especially lipstick, changed a woman’s psyche. The study was conducted in 2011 by Procter & Gamble. The researchers from Harvard and Boston University found that when women are wearing makeup, they felt more confident and happy. What’s more, they were also able to find that people wearing color cosmetics were thought to be more competent and reliable than their peers!
[Also Read: Affordable Everyday Lipstick Brands]

The bottom line is, wearing lipstick may feel a little vain, but as long as YOU love it, don’t be afraid! Wear your favourite colours!